Lawson Ministry Update

Looking Back on 2015

I don’t remember exactly when it began, actually I think it went on for a number of years before it really registered with me. A word would imbed itself into my consciousness. And throughout the year that followed it seemed as though that particular message wove itself through my; thoughts, life circumstances and day- to-day living in a way that I have come to see as a thread of commonality only after reflecting on all the previous year had brought.

Last year’s word was “Change.” Looking back it seems like such an understatement.

At the end of 2014, after an ongoing conversation, God showed us that it was time to begin a new journey in our life. We would leave Precept Ministries after working with them either part or full time for nearly 28 years.

This new journey officially began January 1, 2015 and literally everything in our life changed!

New ministry
New residence
New dreams and vision New Grandbaby (#8!)

Just to name a few!

New Ministry

We are now part of the Hope and Help International team where we serve alongside Larry Malone (Director) and Lori Overcash (Assistant Director). We literally doubled the size of this amazing ministry.

Hope and Help primarily ministers in South Asia and at its core teaches pastors who live in rural areas with little, or no opportunities to get an education. These pastors are reaching the unreached in India, Bhutan and Nepal. It is our belief that these pastors are the hope for South Asia as they share the gospel, disciple and baptize those who respond.

David and I each were in South Asia several times last year encouraging and teaching pastors and their wives, teaching and equipping pastors for the work of the ministry, teaching and equipping teenage girls/boys in the word, holding camps for children where they learned about the One True God and His creation.

Along with the work we are doing in South Asia, we are also busy in the US doing; How to Study the Bible seminars, David is preaching, both of us are speaking at conferences and camps, as well as talking to both groups and individuals about the work we are doing with Hope and Help. If you are interested in holding a How to Study seminar, or need a speaker for a conference or event, or someone to fill your pulpit let us know.We would also love to come and share what God is doing in South Asia!

When we are not doing all those things we are busy helping to get a new website for Hope and Help up and running, building a social media presence on Facebook and Instagram, as well as writing curriculum for a variety of venues.

Even with that thread of change running though our new ministry there is another thread, which runs alongside it. This thread connects all that we do with the purpose God has called us to and the gifts He has given us to carry it out. It has been there since before the foundation of the world and will remain there until Jesus comes again.

We are still teaching and preaching the Word of God, and teaching others how to study the Bible for themselves. It is the same call, just a different platform!

New Residence

After living in Lawson’s Lodge at Precept Ministries for 18 years, we moved into one of Woodland Park’s mission houses in February. What a blessing it has been to have a place to live while we watch God’s plans unfold and we figure out what His plans are for us in the days ahead.

On those occasions when we work from home it’s been fun to look out the windows of our office and see hawks swooping down after a mid morning snack, deer romping in the field, turkeys and all kinds of birds and yes even snakes slithering through the grass!

New Dreams and Vision

At some point last year we found ourselves dreaming again, I for one had not realized we had not done so in quite some time! We were excited in November when a dream we’ve had for a very longtime became a reality. We took a busload of some of the sweetest, most amazing people on the planet on our

Inaugural Israel Tour!

One of our favorite things in the whole world to do, is teach people the Bible in the land of the Bible! We taught the group from the time they arrived until the time we departed in Newark! We stayed in some hotels where we had never stayed before and enjoyed each new experience. Dots were connected – Scripture came to life – we walked, we saw, we tasted all we could while in the land. We hung out with many we had known before, and forged friendships with brothers and sisters we didn’t know we had until this trip!

We visited familiar sites and we saw some sites we had not been to before. Some of the sites we saw from a new perspective, which impacted us in a fresh new way. The Garden Tomb was one of those. For the first time ever, we were in the tomb with just our group! Not only was the tomb empty but so was the Garden! For 1 1⁄2 hours we took pictures, sang and had a sweet time of fellowship without any distraction. A very special blessing!

Another very special blessing was the way we were greeted by our friends in the land! It was so special and humbling at the same time. One of our friend said, with tears in His eyes, “We know God has not forgotten us because you came back!”

If you have dreamed of going to the Holy Land we would love to help make that a reality.  We already have had a lot of interest so you will want to act fast, before we fill up!

God has given us new vision for the “least of these” and the “persecuted”. Many of those we minister to are considered “the least of these” by not only their people, but the world. Although there is a lot of work going on in India, it is mainly in and around the larger cities. However, God has called Hope and Help to rural areas where there is little or no work going on.

Imagine standing in a village that looks like something straight out of National Geographic. The people who live there have never heard the gospel. In fact, they have never heard about Hinduism or Islam. They are animists. Their worldview is that non-human entities-such as animals, plants, and inanimate objects-possess a spiritual essence.

As exciting as this is, we can’t reach these people. But indigenous pastors can! That is why we do what we do! We train pastors who then reach the unreached in their areas.

What a privilege it is to be seeing God at work in these areas from front row seats. We are always in awe that God would allow us to be a part of what He is doing in India!

So how is this related to dreams and vision? Jesus said, Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me. Many of those Jesus went to were the least of these. The angel announced Messiah’s birth to the least of these. Many of the pastor’s David taught recently were the least of these. Their response? Thank you for coming; no one ever comes here.

This is why we do what we do!

Our heart has always been for people outside the walls of the church. People who are the least of these. From rural towns in America to rural villages in South Asia and beyond, neither our hearts nor our call has changed, only our venues have!

New Grandbaby

We entered 2014 with 2 grandchildren, Alex and Luci. In November we added 5 more in the matter of 2 weeks. Dori was born in October, Jessi got married two weeks later and we inherited 4 more! Then came 2015, and on January 5 Daniel Lawson Capp was born. This month he turned one!

Yes, we are totally in love with all of our grands! We continue to get to know our older ones, each one special with their own gifts, talents and personalities. Thankful for the privilege of having each one as members of our family! Yet another huge change but still in line with the love of the next generations God planted in our hearts all those years ago. These just happen to be our very own next gens!


So that is the big picture of what has been going on in our lives, lets take a closer look at a few opportunities we had in 2015.


It was a rainy Friday night in Georgia and about 100 men and women came out to learn how to study the Bible for themselves, using the book of Jonah. They came hungry to know God’s word and they left equipped and excited to study the Bible for themselves.

Many had been told the way we taught them to study was too hard, but they changed their minds after walking through Jonah with us. Most everyone has heard the story of Jonah, however only a few have ever really read Jonah for themselves and knew what the Bible had to say about him. We left them with a resource they could do on their own. One lady was waiting for us to arrive at church Sunday morning, she couldn’t wait to tell us she got so excited about studying that she worked her way through 5 days of study since she got home Friday night.

West Virginia

In the mountains of West Virginia we visited a Bible Study on a Thursday night. Not just any Bible Study, this was one was held at a Biker Church where about 25 people met weekly and the study they were doing was the 40 Minute “Essentials of Effective Prayer” that we had written. How exciting for us! Several told us that this study changed their prayer lives!

On Saturday night David had the privilege of preaching in Biker Church! An experience we will not soon forget. Church began at 6 PM, but the roar of bikes began around 4 PM. One by one men and women pulled up on their bikes for fellowship before the service. I can still see the long row of shiny bikes outside this small WV church. The room was filled and David shared the gospel. That night one young man’s life was changed. He served on the worship team and that night he gave his life to Christ!

Whether in Georgia, West Virginia, Mississippi, Washington, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee or wherever we found ourselves, people were equipped, taught and lives were changed! Thank you Lord for allowing us to be a small part of Your work.

South Asia

In South Asia we had front row seats watching God at work during Pastor/Wives and Become Conferences, Kids Camps and Timothy Leadership Institutes. We’ve watched as we have shared the Gospel and have seen God move in the hearts of people. We have seen men, women, teens, pastors, and pastor’s wives come to know the Lord.

On one occasion a 14-year-old boy jumped up immediately in front of 150 of his peers, the teachers, and administrators of the Veda school. With no hesitation, he literally ran up and confessed to David his need for a Savior and his desire to surrender his life to the One True God! He was followed by 44 of his peers. An Indian pastor and a doctor spent the next thirty minutes with the group explaining what it meant to be a Christian, trying to be sure they understood the gospel. At the end of the evening they all stood firm in their decision! The doctor and the pastor looked at David and said “Brother, they’re sincere!”. And we spent time rejoicing in the Lord in prayer.

Wrapping it up

2015 is now behind us and we are standing on the brink of 2016! The many changes we saw in 2015 have led me, in particular, to a new word in 2016. That word is “Perspective”, but not just any perspective. In 2016 I am to focus on seeing all that life brings our way not from our perspective or man’s, but from God’s perspective. We’ve been in the process of learning to do that by not asking God in difficult situations “WHY” but rather to learn to ask “What”. Not Why is this happening to us, but What are you up to God?

With all of the changes in 2015 and all of the opportunities God brought our way both at home and abroad, we have been a little overwhelmed. Which is why this newsletter has been so long. We apologize again for that.

Which brings us to the following prayer needs:

For teaching preparation and sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading as we teach. That we will honor and glorify God.

Relationships with nationals will be strengthen and we’ll be sensitive to their needs.


Wisdom and discernment as we seek God’s face and carry out the plans and purposes He has for us. First and foremost that God be glorified in all we do.
To not forsake our personal study of the word and personal prayer life.
To be focused and not distracted by good things, which keep us from doing what God has called us to do.
To learn to put white space in our schedules. And to rest when needed. Not to sacrifice relationships with family and friends when it comes to ministry.


Volunteers to come alongside to help in the work of the ministry both corporately and individually. Both David and I have been completely overwhelmed at times with all that goes with being on staff at a small ministry. Naturally those things we are gifted for and passionate about seem to be the first things we do. Which means that others things, just as important, fall by the wayside. Sorting through photos, writing newsletters, designing brochures, prayer guides, taking registrations for Israel Tour are among the many tasks that need to be done.

Hope and Help also has need for volunteers in many areas. Your help would enable the staff to focus on the things God is calling them to.

If you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering in one of these areas please contact us and we can talk about the needs.


God has done over and above all we had ever expected! And you have been a part of that!! Thank you so much for your love and investment in the people of South Asia, both unreached and reached!

Connect with us!